Friday, June 10, 2016

sunshine blogger award

Lo-arna Green, the lovely woman who posted my first ever blog post, nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger Award!  

For those of you who don't know, a Sunshine Blogger Award is a recognition bloggers bestow upon one another.  Anything that builds community in a positive way is a very good thing, and it was kind of her to think of me.  Go read her blog by clicking on her name and tell her I said, "Thanks again!" 

Following Lo-arna's example, I'd like to nominate the following bloggers for Sunshine Blogger Awards* (in alphabetical order):

*The Sunshine Blogger Award fine print (best fine print ever):
The rules are as follows:
  • Answer the eleven questions from the blogger who nominated you.
  • Nominate up to eleven wonderful bloggers and write eleven (possibly fiendish) questions for them to answer.

Lo-arna's questions and my responses:
1. Have you ever gotten into trouble with the law?
Counsel has advised me to invoke the Fifth Amendment. Next question ...

2. Can you wink successfully?
Counsel has advised me to invoke the Fifth Amendment. Next question ...

3. What is your mantra when you feel like throwing in the writing towel?
"Shut up. Do it."  Tough love seems to work.

4. What is something random about you that not many people know?
I can count to ten in Farsi.  That's random.

5. What is the earliest memory you have?

Being at my grandparents' house, looking at a book of movie stills from the 1930s & '40s.  

6. What is your nickname?

I don't have one currently. I'll consider any and all suggestions!

7. What food do you love the most?


8. What food do you hate the most?

Sadly, raw tomatoes. I want to love them. Celery, too.

9. Can you give a rundown of your writing process or do you like to change it up?

I cycle through projects because I know sustained attention is not a strength.  My process is get inspired by something or nothing and then write.

10. What is your favourite season? Mine is summer. Baby, come back.

I like different aspects of all of them. I'm indecisive when it comes to season love.

11. Who is your favourite tv character, past or present and why?

I don't watch a lot of TV.  Um ...Walter Cronkite?   

And my questions for Les, Lisa, Melissa, Michael, and Nathan:
1.  What is your greatest source of inspiration for writing?
2.  What did you have for breakfast this morning (if anything)?
3.  What was the first book you remember reading by yourself?
4.  What is your favorite color and why?
5.  Where would you visit in your transporter?
6.  When would you visit in your time machine?
7.  What is your greatest strength?
8.  Who do you most admire (living or dead) and why?
9.  Okay, MacGyver -save the world. What will you use & how will you do it?
10. Which vice?  Which virtue?
11. What is your favorite genre to write?  To read?

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